Get Your Bike Tune-up Done Early!
Wow, getting through the summer of 2020 was something else. There was a bicycle shortage (which has never happened before) and bicycle parts and accessories were hard to order for customers because nothing was available from our suppliers. Summer 2021 is looking like it will be the same.
If you are planning to purchase a new bike, DON'T DELAY! Come down to the store or call us to talk through your options and see what is available. If you need work done to your bicycle, bring it in early. Parts for bicycles were hard to track down for customers toward the end of last summer and our suppliers are telling us that this year is shaping up to be the same.
As a store, we have tried to stock as much as we can but with the increase of people cycling (which is awesome) it is hard to anticipate just how much product to have on hand. We certainly hate to see a disappointed customer. So call us, book an appointment and bring your bike down to the store today.